Tuesday, 18 May 2010

week 17 blog

In this week we finished all things about the first presentation and start to do the environmental presentation.

In the first period I showed my teacher my power point to fix any mistakes, he found a lot of mistakes and I started to fix it.

In the second period my teacher saw my friend’s power point presentation and he put the points on it.

I hate this week because we have a lot of works also we have a lot of exams so we did not work well.

week 16

There is no classes in this week because of the English exam

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

week 15 log

In this week we finished all works about the first presentation and the final student that present is my friend Abdullah Aljefri. I am doing now the 250 words of his presentation.

After finishing this work we start to do the second presentation what it is about environment. My presentation is about plastic bags and I will do my best to get a good mark.

Am happy this week because I finished a lot of work and there is few work now so I can do anything easily.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

week 14 log

In this week we finished doing the presentations items and start to show our teacher what we do. My presentation is about comparison between windows vista and windows 7. I had alot of mistakes that my teacher told me to change the mistakes.

After we finished the power point presentation we my teacher asked us to do a report about the presentation

It is a very good week and I enjoy it.

week 13 log

In this week we changed our work to start working on power point presentation; we chose what we will talk about and our teacher guides us to do a wonderful presentations.

Some of our class members started to show the presentation to the teacher to find the mistakes and do better.
I was late because I have problems with my stomach and was in the hospital so I was late in doing the presentation.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

week 12 log

In the first of this week we finished looking for some grades like log and meeting grade, next we start finishing our power point presentation to show our teacher what we did.

Then we made some notes for small presentation about dram vacation. After that, we saw some templates about our presentations, my teacher asked me to present my presentation but i did not because i am sick and i can’t do the presentation.

the good thing of this week that we return from HCT week so we were fresh and had more power to do any work

week 11

This week is HCT week so no activities in this week

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

week 10 log

we learnesd in this week many things like we do the template of presentation, we also did small presentation about dream location.

Next we did some work in our book, we did the south island adventure exercise.

Our teacher said all thing about week 11 and what he want to see in week 12.

I enjoed this week because my teacher said many useful things about me.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

week 9 log

in this week i was absent in one class but i attend the other class.

we finish our meeting and start doing the report and the minutes,after that we start new lesson and the name of the lesson is dream vacation.

we sat in groups of two persons and start asking questions about vacations

i liked this class because we have more funny.

the bad thing that i miss the first calss because i was sick

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

week 7 log

i learned in this week the meeting skills.

we chose the topic and start writing the agenda.

our teacher gave us meeting evaluation form

we did the meeting and our topic is mixing gander in HCT, we are the first group did the meeting

the best thing that i enjoy talking in meeting, the bad thing that we will do the meeting again because of some problems.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

week 6 log

we learned in this week how to do many things like: do meeting and how to avoied bad meeting.

we saw vedio showed us how some kinds of bad meeting.

we chose our group members and our topic.

we did some surveys like how many minutes does every student in our claas to reach the HCT.

we saw some minutes online

i loved this period because i like presenting and talking.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

week 5 blog

i learned in week 5 how to do the presentation includes my motto , personal values and how to do by introduction , body and conclusion.

i learned also how to do surveys by taking survey questions.

we chose the groups to do meeting assigment.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

week 3 blog

in week 3 we learned how to prepare to present, we made questions to collect our presentation, we learned presentation steps.
After than we learned what is the motto and read about some people mottoes and we did some practice in choosinjg the motto

week 4 log

in week four 14-2-2010 i learned alot of things like how to choose the personal motto.
in the book we read about some people who talked about their mottoes and their meaning.
we leared how to present our personals values and talking about some experiences.