Tuesday, 23 February 2010

week 5 blog

i learned in week 5 how to do the presentation includes my motto , personal values and how to do by introduction , body and conclusion.

i learned also how to do surveys by taking survey questions.

we chose the groups to do meeting assigment.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

week 3 blog

in week 3 we learned how to prepare to present, we made questions to collect our presentation, we learned presentation steps.
After than we learned what is the motto and read about some people mottoes and we did some practice in choosinjg the motto

week 4 log

in week four 14-2-2010 i learned alot of things like how to choose the personal motto.
in the book we read about some people who talked about their mottoes and their meaning.
we leared how to present our personals values and talking about some experiences.